Dear Visitor/Visitor, the website constitutes the property of Robot Service -via Cascina Cervo, 8 25013 Carpenedolo (Brescia) - Italy.
As cookies are used on our Site for different purposes, with this information we want to explain how we process data and what cookies are and how they are used on the Site. Some cookies (third-party cookies), are conveyed and controlled by third parties. On this policy you will find contacts with whom you can learn more about the disclosures published by these third parties, which you may wish to read carefully. Even if you are already familiar with cookies, read carefully this policy - the Site's general privacy policy - through which you can make informed choices in line with theGeneral Data Protection Regulation( GDPR), officially Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 and better known by its acronym: the European Union's Data Protection and Privacy Regulation, adopted on April 27, 2016.
Purposes for which data are collected and purpose of Processing
Robot Service processes your data exclusively for the purpose of carrying out its normal activities and spreading knowledge and making you aware of the specific activities and purposes of the company. The data are processed to inform you about Robot Service initiatives, activities, products and projects, to send you the newsletter and confidential information material in printed and digital format and to inform you about the life of the company.
Method of Processing
Collected data are placed in archival files and in specific newsletter program.
Informational communications regarding Robot Service initiatives, activities and projects may be sent to the Data Subject in paper and digital format via newsletter.
Data are stored in the server with the best security measures at the company Xlogic in Turin.
Exercise of Rights
Pursuant to Articles 13(2)(b) and (d), 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Regulations, we inform you that the main rights of the Interested Party are:
Robot Service undertakes to process as quickly as possible requests for access, rectification and deletion of personal data or opposition to further processing if these come from the Data Subject and has prepared for this purpose a form available at its offices. However, it will also accept requests also sent electronically that come to it by other means.
Risks to the Data Subject
There is a low risk given by the possibility of data theft by third parties by computer or other means of the collected Data concerning The Data Subject.
Risk minimization measures
Robot Service takes appropriate and preventive security measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, completeness, and availability of personal data.
There are several measures put in place for risk minimization:
Duration of Data Processing
Your Data will be kept, unless you revoke it or it is specifically needed to fulfill legal obligation, until the purposes of the Processing have been pursued. Your Data will be kept until you explicitly request its rectification or deletion considering the interest of the Data Holders in receiving economic support and in sharing their initiatives by all people willing to support projects of social and collective interest.
Data Breach
In the event that Robot Service suffers data theft and has reason to believe that data has been disclosed (data breach) it will - if appropriate - activate a report to the Supervisory Authority and notify all concerned.
Legitimacy of data processing
The processing in question involves an unlikely but sensitive risk to the privacy of the data subject. However considering that:
Robot Service considers that the Data Processing in question is legitimate and in accordance with the spirit and letter of the European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and believes that it has the legal basis to continue it.
Co-Processor of the Processing called 'Mailing - general communication' is:
The Data Processor is Robot Service.
External Data Processor is the company Via R.Meinardi 8/c 10093 - Collegno (TO) Italy.
Robot Service given the scale of the data processed does not believe it is necessary to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) at this time.
Any reason for dissatisfaction may be reported by you to the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, Piazza Venezia, 11 - 00187 Rome, tel: 06.696771, e-mail: ga*****@gp**.it.
Web site cookie policy
A. What are cookies and what are they used for
Cookies are small text files that sites visited by the user send directly to the user's terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored in order to be then retransmitted to the same sites on the next visit of the same user (so-called first-party own cookies). In the course of browsing a site, the user may also receive cookies from different sites or web servers on his terminal (so-called third-party cookies); this happens because on the website visited there may be elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, they are those cookies that are set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.
Cookies may be limited in duration to a single browsing session on your browser (so-called session cookies), and in that case they are automatically deactivated when the user closes the browser; or they can have a predetermined expiration date and, in that case, they will remain stored and active on your hard disk until that expiration date, continuing to collect information over the course of different browser browsing sessions (so-called persistent cookies).
Cookies are used for different functions. Some are necessary to enable you to browse the Site and take advantage of its features (so-called technical cookies). Others are used to obtain statistical information, in aggregate or otherwise, about the number of users accessing the Site and how the Site is being used (so-called tracking or analytics cookies).
Finally, others are used to draw up a consumer profile of you and display advertisements on the Site that may be of interest to you, as they are consistent with your tastes and consumption habits (so-called profiling cookies). To learn about these different categories of cookies in more detail, continue reading this policy. Learn how they work and what they are used for, and freely choose whether to consent to their use or prevent it.
B. Technical cookies
Technical cookies are used on the Site for the sole purpose of making it possible for you to navigate the Site and allow you to use its features. These are always first-party cookies, as they are conveyed directly by us on the Site. Some technical cookies are essential to provide you with an optimal browsing experience or to allow you to authenticate yourself on the Site, for example to make a purchase on the Site or enter your private area (so-called navigation cookies). Browsing cookies are normally session cookies and, therefore, once you close your browsing browser, they are deactivated automatically. Other technical cookies are useful to allow you to store some of your preferences (e.g. language or country of origin) without having to reset them on subsequent visits (so-called functionality cookies). For this reason, functionality cookies are often persistent cookies, in that they remain stored on your computer even after you close your browsing browser, until the expiration date set for them or until you have decided to delete them. As per current privacy regulations, your prior consent is not required for the installation of such cookies. You are, of course, free to block the installation of technical cookies by changing your browser settings (read section E, no. 1 to find out how to do this). Please consider, however, that by blocking the installation of technical cookies, or subsequently deleting them, your ability to access the Site, to use all or part of it, to enable or disable certain functions or to receive certain services may be wholly or partially impaired.
C. Tracking or "analytics" cookies
Analytics cookies are used on the Site to collect statistical information, in aggregate or otherwise, about the number of users accessing the Site and how they visit the Site. The analytics cookies on this Site are third-party cookies, as they are not directly conveyed by us but third parties are not installed directly by the Company but by third parties. The following third-party analytics cookies are installed on the Site only with your prior consent, because they are not anonymized, as the third parties can access disaggregated analytics data at the IP address level (in other words, by using these cookies, the third parties could theoretically trace your identity through your IP address):
Google Analytics
third-party analytics cookie
For this reason, when you access the Site a special banner is displayed prominently, informing you that third-party analytics cookies are used on the Site and that by closing the banner, scrolling down the home page, or clicking any element of the home page outside of the banner, you consent to the use of cookies.
Should you consent to the installation of cookies in this manner, we will keep track of your consent through a special technical cookie. In this way, we will prevent you from having the cookie banner displayed on your subsequent visits to the Site. Please note that if you were to delete this technical cookie from your browser in the manner described in paragraph E, no. 1) below, the trace of your consent would be lost and, therefore, during your next visit to the Site the cookie banner will be displayed again. You are, of course, free to block the installation of analytics cookies at any time, without your ability to visit the Site and enjoy its content being impaired in any way. To find out how to do this, carefully read the third-party cookie policies by following the links above.
D. Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are used to create a profile of you as a user, based on the preferences and tastes you have expressed while browsing the Internet, and to make you display advertisements consistent with your profile. In this way, the advertisements you display on our Site may be more interesting to you. As required by current privacy regulations, your prior consent is required for the installation of such cookies. For this reason, when you access the Site, a special banner is displayed prominently, informing you that profiling cookies are used on the Site and that by closing the banner, scrolling down the home page or clicking any element of the home page outside the banner, you consent to the use of cookies.
Should you consent to the installation of cookies in this manner, we will keep track of your consent through a special technical cookie. In this way, we will avoid having you see the cookie banner on your subsequent visits to the Site.
Of course, you are free to manually block the installation of profiling cookies at any time using tools in your browser (in anonymous browsing), without your ability to visit the site and enjoy its contents being in any way compromised.
Please note that by deleting all cookies from your browser, this technical cookie may also be removed and, therefore, you may have to re-express your choice to block these cookies using the interactive button on this policy. Most profiling cookies are, on the other hand, installed by third parties, acting as independent data controllers (third-party cookies).
Some third-party cookies are installed by parties with whom we do not have a direct relationship:
AdWords Conversion
Google Inc.
1600Amphitheatre Parkway
MountainView - CA94043
Dynamic Remarketing
Google Inc.
1600Amphitheatre Parkway
MountainView - CA94043
Facebook Custom Audience
Facebook Inc.
1601 S. California Ave
Palo Alto - CA94304
Google Tag Manager
Google Inc.
1600Amphitheatre Parkway
MountainView - CA94043
E. How to manage cookies and object to their use
There are several options to manage, disable and delete cookies.
(1) Change your browser settings Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the browser you use to find out how to manage, disable, or delete all cookies (technical, analytics, and profiling):
- Explorer
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
Make your choices carefully.
By indiscriminately blocking the receipt of all cookies, including technical cookies, without providing a specific exception for the Site, you may, in fact, no longer be able to browse the Site or take advantage of some or all of its features.
(2) Use our interactive tools or those provided by third parties To disable first-party profiling cookies, i.e., those installed directly by us, you can simply use the interactive button that appears prominently in paragraph D of this policy. Your choice to opt out of the use of these cookies will have no effect on your ability to browse the Site and use its features, and can be revoked by you in any case at any time using the same interactive button. To disable third-party cookies, consult the privacy policies of third parties that install analytics cookies (see paragraph C above) or profiling cookies (see paragraph D above) to learn about the other tools available to you to manage, disable and delete cookies, and more generally to object to their use. Remember that by disabling third-party cookies, (i) you object to their use not only on the Site but on all Internet sites on which such cookies are used, and (ii) your ability to browse the Site and use its features will not be affected in any way. When you disable third-party cookies you will still see the banner on the home page on the Site about cookies; however, in this case, if you close the banner, scroll down the home page or click on any element of the home page outside of the banner, you will not receive any third-party cookies that you have properly disabled.
(3) Uses the Your Online Choices website - - operated by the non-profit European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), which provides information on behavioral advertising based on profiling cookies and allows Internet users to easily object (opt-out) to the installation of major profiling cookies installed by advertisers and used on Internet sites.
Consciously use Your Online Choices. Although, in fact, Your Online Choices brings together many of the world's leading advertising companies that use cookies, some of the third parties that install cookies through the Site may not have joined Your Online Choices. Therefore, using Your Online Choices does not guarantee that you will receive third-party cookies by browsing the Site. Remember, too, that by deleting all cookies from your browser, technical cookies issued by Your Online Choices to remember your choices may also be deleted, making the third-party cookies active again
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We project and realize the future of Industry 5.0 by full advanced robotic machines.
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